The ongoing tension between Leadership and Management, the focus on People and Tasks, respectively, is a constant balancing act to bring clarity to employees and unleash the organization's potential while relieving the joint pain experienced by companies all over.
This book is written to get the work done. It ensures that the right people are doing the proper work at the right time. It offers managers the tools to give their Direct Reports clarity on their accountability and the authorities they need to meet them. It provides employees a common language, a collective purpose, and a clear line of sight to the organization's strategy.
This book will relieve the pain your organization and its people feel. Ineffective structures, lack of accountability, rework, and confusion are caused by a lack of Managerial Leadership. Through balancing tasks through management and people through leadership, success is the action steps provided in this book.
Bringing your people clarity on their place in realizing the organization's strategy will give their work a common language and a collective purpose and ensure they know what is expected of them. The authorities have to get it done.
When employees have clarity on the accountabilities they are being held to and the authority they have to get the work done, the organization's potential is unleashed. People have a line of sight to the company's strategy and can see their part in it. The result is a collective purpose and unified direction.
This clarity comes from Managerial Leadership, the balancing of Leadership and Management, of People and Tasks. When put into practice, the joint pains of an organization go away, along with confusion, siloes, and rework.


Do you feel disconnected from your people? Are you in too many meetings and feel overwhelmed with emails and requests for clarification from your Direct Reports? This lack of clarity, accountability, and authority can impact your business in so many ways and the way you work might help you realize the strategy, or get in the way of it. Do you even know what the strategy really is, and how to get there? All of this confusion and discord can be traced to a lack of managerial leadership. The art of managing managers has been lost to the need to be seen "being busy". This is made doubly difficult with newly remote workforces and dispersed teams.
Based on experiences from working with many large and small companies, and a 30-year career as a senior military officer, Julian Chapman demonstrates the power of managerial leadership to address and cure the root causes of the pain we feel in organizations and create great places to work. Under Julian's leadership and counsel, companies of all sizes and across many sectors have done the work to bring clarity of purpose, expectation and accountability to their people, and unleashed the potential of their organizations.
This pragmatic approach pulls no punches and shows you the ongoing path to a workplace where employees at all levels have clarity of role, purpose, accountabilities and authorities. The self-assessments and tools inside will help you sort out the work ahead of you. It will show you the value of thinking before acting, proper planning, working at the right level and holding people accountable. It introduces the power of the Enlightened Leader and the Engaged Manager who confidently and continuously build their teams with an approach of authenticity, transformation and servitude.
Chart your course and explore the system. The path is proven, spans entire careers, and is, maybe, the last business book you'll ever read. The Managerial Leadership Journey shows you the map to a better workplace. A Great Place to work is not just possible, it's in your hands.

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“Brigadier-General (Retired) Julian Chapman is a highly successful military and business leader. I have had the honour of knowing him over two decades and observing first hand his unique blend of strategy, people skills, and business savvy to inspire both teams of soldiers and civilians to achieve their very best. He has blended a lifetime of “lessons learned” from having held senior leadership roles in both the military and business worlds; this a powerful book that provides a detailed roadmap on how to achieve excellence in Managerial Leadership.”
- Blake Goldring, C.M, M.S.M., CD, Executive Chairman, AGF Management Limited